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Telescope apa nak beli? beginner to beginner advise… 17 Disember 2009

Posted by azmirul in Astronomy.
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ni nasihat seorang beginner kepada beginners yg lain…. haha:

1. Portability – lain orang lain preference dia, tapi ni 1st priority aku… sebab tak guna kalo beli benda yg power tapi tak dapat digunakan selalu. sebab tu, selain telescope, digalakkan juga beli binocular sebagai companion.

2. Larger aperture is better than magnification – utk astronomy observation, clarity image lagi penting daripada magnification yg kabur.. macam telescope 8″/10″ memang confirm dpt gambar lagi clear dari telescope aku 90mm (3.5″) (tapi nijer yg mampu aku beli hahaha)…

3. Tripod & mount type – yg ni pengajaran penting heher… aku mula2 beli guna tripod murahjer… last2 beligak proper equatorial tripod  sebab lecehler tripod murah takder slow motion control utk track planet, kena ingat bumi2 ni berpusing… kalo guna larger magnification lagi leceh nak find/centrekan object sebab tak bleh budget masa adjust movement tripod.

p/s: in future aku ingat nak beli computerized control yg ader Goto function plus GPS yg bleh buat auto calibration macam meade lx200 gps telescope (tupun bergantung minat kat astronomy masih bertahan.. heher).

Ref :

So You Wanna Buy a Telescope… Advice for Beginners